2020-06-22 330
1. Precision of the upper handOrdinary lathe by gear quiet every screw and nut. As the gap between vice, plus manual manipulation is not correct, so the repeat precision is low. Ordinary lathe measur
2020-06-22 343
Stainless steel welded joint should be how to deal with?The polishing of stainless steel weld joint for flat parts must be polished after welding, grinding should be butt head flattening before (she
2020-06-22 339
【 welding knowledge 】 the laser welding of stainless steel pipe welding methodLaser weldingIn all of the steel pipe welding application, the edge of the steel strip to melt, when use the clamp bracke
2020-06-22 310
數控車床平時養護 1、天天做好各導軌面的清潔光滑,有主動光滑體系的機床要守時查看、清潔主動光滑體系,查看油量,及時增加光滑油,查看油泵是不是守時發動打油及中止?! ?、天天查看主軸箱主動光滑體系作業是不是正常,守時更換主軸箱光滑油?! ?、留意查看電器柜中冷卻電扇是不是作業正常,風道過濾網有無阻塞,清潔沾附的塵土?! ?、留意查看冷卻體系,查看液面高度,及時增加油或水,油、水臟時要更換清潔
2020-06-22 323
Because of the complexity of the numerical control processing, such as different machine, different materials, different cutting tool, different cutting way, different parameter Settings, etc.), the
2020-06-22 289
Numerical control lathe processing is a kind of high-tech processing method of fine metal parts. The numerical control lathe processing a variety of examples of 316 or 304 stainless steel, carbon ste
2020-06-22 326
對付高服從的金屬切削加工來說,被加工質料、切削東西、切削條件是三大概素。這些決定著加工時間、刀具壽命和加工質量。經濟有用的加工方法一定是公道的選擇了切削條件?! ∏邢鳁l件的三要素:切削速率、進給量和切深直接引起刀具的毀傷。陪同著切削速率的進步,刀尖溫度會上升,會孕育發生機盼望械的、化學的、熱的磨損。切削速率進步20%,刀具壽命會淘汰1/2?! ∵M給條件與刀具背面磨損干系在小的范疇內孕育發生。
2020-06-22 306
當加工五金配件,常用的機械設備是數控車床,數控車床車削加工硬,效率高,加工精度高,表面形狀復雜,與普通車床的加工相比具有質的飛躍。然而,當數控車床車削加工流程編排是非常重要的。我們也遇到了同樣的機床設備相同的產品,加工,由于加工工藝的不同,加工的產品質量有很大的差別?! ±硐氲募庸こ绦虿粌H應保證符合合格文物的模式,應該可以使數控機床的功能有合理的應用,并給出了充分發揮。數控機床是一種效率的自